Elevate Your Wellness with a Gemstone Bar
🌷 This Gemstone Bar product was born from the need for energy balance due to the Yin Yang Wuxin theory. Balance is a special and essential concept in Eastern philosophy, especially in the mindset of the academic meditation and energy practice group.
🌷 This product is created from two main concepts:
- A tool to support meditation activities, helping to balance energy (between oneself and the living environment): it can be charged or discharged differently depending on the individual's needs (with different usage methods).
- Support for other Qi Gong practices. Note: Qi Gong is a general lifestyle that includes processes of absorption, transformation, and proper use of both physical and spiritual energy.
💎 Usage:
For individuals:
- Meditation initiation:
- You can adjust the product's temperature before each practice session depending on the individual's needs and physical condition, cooling or heating the product according to each person's energy level. Adjustments can be made based on the session's content: use heat when increasing Yang energy and cold when increasing Yin energy. This variation is quite diverse.
- Initiation: involves exercises such as rubbing and massaging to facilitate the smooth flow of energy and blood circulation.
- During meditation, it can be placed in the palm of the hand to help focus and support better energy concentration. For advanced practitioners, you can take advantage of the specific energy properties of various gemstones to guide your energy. For typical exercises, start by focusing your energy in the palm of your hand and circulating it in a loop. At the basic level, you will feel temperature differences easily in the nerve endings concentrated in the palm of the hand.
- Meditation release:

- Similarly, you can heat or cool the product and place it on specific acupoints according to the exercise to enhance the effectiveness of meditation practice, such as acupoints or meridians.
- Stimulate the flexibility of muscle groups in the lower body, such as the legs, hips, abdomen, and arm muscles, when circulating blood (following the Five Element Meridians).
- During relaxation meditation, it can be placed in other areas, such as the lower abdomen or the forehead, depending on the individual's needs.
- Cleansing and dispelling negative energy:
After exercising, activities often lead to sweating. Showering or washing the body in the usual way is essential. However, for those who practice meditation after a certain period of training, there are "energy cleansing" sessions, often referred to as "dispelling impurities." These sessions involve using the product with clean water, similar to a shower, but using a textured surface to remove dead skin cells from the skin without being affected by chemicals and artificial fragrances from other soaps. Clear water is a primary symbol of purity in many cultures and helps remove negative energy from the body.
- Pain relief:
- For women during menstruation or anyone experiencing pain or discomfort due to work or physical activity
Used for therapeutic support:
Massage tool:
- It can be used as a massage tool, with the option to heat or cool it, depending on the purpose. Unlike other "gems wands" on the market, this product focuses on muscle groups rather than acupuncture points. It indirectly enhances energy support. It is more effective when self-administered for muscle groups in the back of the neck (which is difficult to reach with a wand).
- Magnetic field and electromagnetic radiation:
- The stable magnetic properties of quartz and the Agate group and fossilized wood (though to a lesser extent) effectively eliminate electromagnetic fields from modern devices. This can be easily measured with other electromagnetic field measuring instruments. Nowadays, people often have many electrical devices, power outlets, and charging outlets near their beds, which can be harmful. Electromagnetic waves are one of the primary causes of sleep disturbances and reduced sleep quality (lack of deep sleep). Therefore, the product can be placed under a pillow. This effectiveness has been clinically proven through using quartz for geomancy (buried in the ground), which helps stabilize the magnetic field. In particular, the electromagnetic-thermal properties of quartz help minimize the presence of RADON gas in homes - a type of gas responsible for certain types of cancer. It has deficient concentrations and has been observed and addressed as a potential health risk.
- Replaces traditional "hot stone massage" therapy in Vietnam with stone used for hot compresses and massages of various muscle and acupuncture point areas.
- Supplements meditation practice, both for individuals and at yoga centers, enhances positive energy or eliminates negative energy, depending on compatibility with specific types of stones. Multiple types of stones can be combined.
- Measuring electromagnetic fields from a basic laptop:
- Red: High Level of Electric Field (As shown on device)
- Green: Magnetic Field is Good (As shown on device)

- Place the Gemstone Bar near the laptop.

- After 20 seconds, the Gemstone Bar placed near the laptop has improved the surrounding electromagnetic field.

- How to Heat Gemstone Bar:
- If you have a steamer, steam it with a cloth and hot stones for a temperature of about 50°C. When using for compresses, wrap it in a damp cloth to retain heat longer and evenly. Depending on local preferences, you can enhance it by using a damp cloth soaked in herbal solutions such as lavender water, mugwort, thyme, etc
- Alternatively, place it in the microwave and wrap it in a damp paper towel in thawing mode for about 3-4 minutes.
- How to Cool:
- Natural stones usually have a lower temperature than room temperature, so you only need to put them in the freezer for up to 10 minutes before use.
We wish you a harmonious experience with Mountain Jade's Gemstone Bar product.
Mountain Jade Inc.
848 Burnhamthorpe Rd W Unit 3 B, Mississauga, ON L5C 2S3
☎️ 343.369.8888